Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

This Thanksgiving we celebrated in Austin with the Honeck Side (Kristen's Mom's Side). As usual, Eric fried a bird and spent the morning cooking. It was great seeing all my cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents. It is a growing family! We had a great Thanksgiving dinner followed my the exciting UT & A&M game!

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaylee!

Kaylee had a great 2nd Birthday this year! Eric & I took her to her 1st UT Game! It was 11am Game vs. Central Florida, so perfect introduction game. She enjoyed the band, Bevo, and the cheering. She lasted to the Half Time and we couldn't have asked for anything else. Although she perked right up after walking pass the Turtle Pond on Campus on the way back to the car. We set her Birthday Party the day after at Zilker Park, but of Texas weather surprised us with a storm. We had to cancel, because we were having an Open House that day. :( NO rain was going to stop the celebration. Our family in town all headed to Dave and Busters, where Kaylee experience her first arcade! She got her cake and had a great time! She knows thinks it is her birthday everyday and does not understand that other people can have birthdays.

Halloween (in December)

So it may have taken me a couple of months to blog, but here we go....

This Halloween Kaylee was a Bumble Bee! After wearing the itchy TinkerBell costume last year, I was determined to find comfy easy costume. She chose the Bee over the Lady Bug! Kaylee was definitely understanding more of the Halloween Traditions this year. The first couple of houses she would quietly say "Trick or Treat", but then she started to cut to the chase by yelling "More Candy, Please". It was hilarious. We got back home with a sleepy bee and after a small sugar rush she was out. It was successful Halloween!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

This past weekend, we headed to Sweetberry Farms in Marble Falls for their Harvest Festival. Hayrides, Pumpkins, Goats, Pumpkin Ice Cream, and yes, the Texas Corn Maze! It was fun and Kaylee is starting to have more fun at all these events we drag her to!

First Hayride!

Picture in the Hay!

Pumpkin Patch

I thought this picture was funny, because is trying soo hard to reach her hands in the hole.

Mac Daddy Pumpkin

Ernst Girls

Kaylee lost in the Maze

Kristen in the Maze

Texas Corn Maze!

Took about 40 minutes, but we completed it! Got our free Soda!
(It takes 40 - 90 Minutes, so we did it fast!)

Fall Fun

I can't believe it has been almost a month, since my LAST blog! We haven't had much time at home, with the house showings and open houses. We often find ourselves kicked out! We've had lots of traffic, but still no offers. We are optimistic is still early! I just finished an End of the Quarter at work and Eric is working on his, so lots of long hours. Kaylee started her new school and is really thriving. We are still in disbelief on how fast that smart witty little girl is maturing everyday.

Our Cutie Pie.
Yes, her shirt is wet. She was playing with her new waterbottle!

Acting as the Ref!

All Smiles for the Door Front Pumpkin Picture.

Taking Daddy Shopping.

Jelly Donut.
Another day kicked out of the House, what to do?!

Eric's Pumpkin Ale.

Where's Kaylee?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On the Market

On Monday night, we drove home to find a "For Sale" sign in our front yard. Yes, it is official we are on the market. We are excited, nervous, know everything that goes with selling a house. After meeting with our realtor in January, we decided to wait, but not that the market has picked up in our area and the deadline for the new homeowners incentive is coming near, there is no better time than now. So we need to sell this house and find a new house. Send all the good vibes are way! :)

For some reason, when Kaylee saw the sign in the yard she started saying "Chhheeeessseeee" like she does for a picture. Have I really brainwashed the kid that much? So this picture is not for me, not for Eric, but for Kaylee who forced me take a picture of her cute smiling face. :)

Labor Day in Chicago

Over Labor Day, we flew to Chicago to visit Greg & Emily. Kaylee did great on the flight, but most definitely our last "free child" she told the lady next to her it was "her seat". Of course, the weather was beyond perfect. Every time I've ever has been beautiful and I would like to keep it that way. Kaylee's highlights were Baby Monkeys at Lincoln Pak Zoo, walking Frodo, and playing on every corner playground. Eric's highlights were Goose Island Brewery Tour, Lou's pizza, neighborhood bars, and UT's win. And my highlights were resting my biceps from holding Kaylee, trip around Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses, not getting thrown up on by Kaylee, dirty martinis, and hanging with Greg & Em. It was a short, but relaxing vacation before we head into Fall Mayhem. Thanks for the great hospitality!

So you went to Chicago to go to a Texas Bar? Heck Yes.

Ernst Girls

Best Dog Walker in Lincoln Park

Kaylee & Frodo

Lincoln Park Zoo


Ernest Hemingway's Birthplace
One of the many Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses

Cousin Noah Christopher

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Angleton to meet our very first nephew and Kaylee's first cousin....Noah Christopher. He is precious with a full set of hair. He resembles his beautiful mama and acts likes his daddy.....that is sleeps and drinks all day. :) Kaylee was very gentle with Baby Noah and very persistent on he had to have his bottles, burp cloths, blankets, swing, and any other belonging of his at all time. She was quite the helper. Few times she would rush over to make sure we didn't forget about her. Can't wait to see what kind of trouble these 2 Cousins will get into!

"Shhh....Baby Night Night"

So...this is how you hold 2 kiddos.

Up to no good...the usual

Grandpa Ernst and the Kiddos

Ernst Boys

Kaylee Kisses

"My Baby, My Baby...over and over again"

Baby Fever, if I ever seen it! Want to take him home!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Miss K, 21 Months

Grabs Mom's Purse, Dad's Keys, Gives Kisses Goodbye, and Kaylee rides away in her car!

Her 1st Backpack....thanks to Dora!

Taking care of "My Baby"

Guitar Hero...Kaylee!

Mischievous Smile...lil Kristen!