Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daddy's Birthday!

20 Days after having one the most special is now time to celebrate Daddy's Birthday! Eric and I have been getting in a habit of just picking out and buying our own gifts, but with Kaylee around we need presents, cakes, the whole deal! So lucky Eric has been keeping a list of Homebrew equipment he has been wanting, so I stole and took the girls to the store. Please note, this was the first outing with both the Austin Homebrew Store, may regret that in 20 years. It was easy as pie, hand the list to the guys and they get the stuff. K and I hid the presents in her room, but one day prior Eric found them! K came running in the kitchen upset..."Daddy saw the presents, suppose to be a surprise!" Eric was right behind her dying laughing. He didn't see them, so that help calm the kiddo down. Eric went for a run the morning of his birthday, so we grabbed the presents that K wrapped (seriously) and homemade cards. Kaylee was so proud. The funny thing is her homemade card randomly had 3 E's, which Eric's initials are Triple E. Couldn't had been more perfect! Birthdays are changing is more of Daddy/Mommy's Birthdays oppose to Eric/Kristen.

K loves her Daddy (Post Run, not the best pic)

Happy Birthday Triple E aka Daddy!

Proud lil Girl!

We heart Daddy!

Eric's "Hobby"...more of a lifestyle now

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Eric and I had a very romantic dinner at our favorite sushi spot. By very romantic, I mean with a sleeping 10 day newborn and a 3 three year old chatterbox. Yes, Eric and I cozy up in a both to sit across a little girl that wouldn't stop talking or eating all the edamame. Finished the night off with a glass of wine and some yummy cookies. Never thought this is how I would spend a V-Day, but it was wonderful.

Sister will see the trend

Yummy Cookies...Kaylee helped decorated and said "Mommy, this is fun."

We thought this was cute presentation, but Kaylee kept playing with it. Wasabi, not so fun.

Our Sushi Valentine