Sunday, July 10, 2011

Don't Kill Me

Two Thursdays ago, we were planning to leave for a 10-hour car drive to Lindsey's wedding in Arkansas by 7PM. Eric took-off work to get the fam situation before the trip while I tie some major loose ends up at work. He decided to get a quick Mountain Bike Ride in, before we left. Around 10:45AM, I get the frantic phone call from him, "Don't kill me." Yep, I rushed home to take Eric covered in scratches, dirt, sweat, blood, and a clearly broken pinkie to the Emergency Room. He looked a lot worse than it really was, but my favorite quotes at the ER were: "You can tell you wore a helmet, because it is the only place without blood." & "You THINK it's broken, it's TOTALLY broken."

Few hours in the ER, pain meds, and a cast later...we were good to go. What a way to start the trip, especially now that I have to drive the whole way. But, no I won't kill you.

Eric had surgery this past Friday to put some pins in his hand, everything went well. Now we are in the healing process and will check with the doctor in a few weeks.

After the numbing and the straightening of the pinkie. Imagine it at a 90 degree angle.

Clear break where the pinkie and hand meet.

The Doctor took these pics on my iPhone!

"Don't kill me"