Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anxiously Awaiting August

Not going to lie, August is my 12th Favorite Month. It always has been. Why? It is the hottest month in Texas, summer camps/swimming is over, school started, and it was BOTH my sisters birthdays...no gifts for me (middle child)! I have a feeling this August will be different. I will spend the first week in Sacramento to train for the position I'm covering for a woman on maternity leave. Although I'm nervous to be away from my baby girl and favorite man, I'm very very excited for the opportunity. At the end of the week, Eric will fly up and we will spend the weekend in Napa. Hello, Romantic Getaway! We got our Top Chef Dinner Reservations and expert winery tastings set up. Once we get back, we will be anxiously awaiting our FIRST baby nephew, Noah, to come! So so so excited! Between travels, jobs, and baby, we will be celebrating FIVE family birthdays....yes five. Not to mention BIG birthdays, Eric's dad's 60th and brother's 30th. Once we finish out August, we will celebrate 1 more family birthday and head to Chicago for Labor Day. So basically, I am blogging now if you don't hear from us in awhile. :) No, I will try.....too many exciting things happening!


Wendy Hithe said...

Yaaaaaaaaaay! I found your blog! It is AWESOME Kristen. And you baby bug is soooo cute. :)