Monday, December 8, 2008

Jam Packed Weekend

We had a pretty eventful weekend. After Eric headed to work Saturday morning, we met Greg & Emily, visiting for cold Chicago, for lunch at Chuy's. Then, we were off to Clare's 2nd Birthday Party. Kaylee had lots of fun and was mixing in well as one of the "kids". She isn't a baby anymore! Afterwards, Eric and I were off to a Christmas kids allowed. It was great to have a parents night out, although every talked kids! But the white elephant gift exchange was so much fun.....I hadn't laugh that hard in awhile. My folks watched Kaylee, but she never woke up from her late afternoon nap! That is when until we got home...she woke up, played for awhile, and then went back to sleep. Totally off schedule, but everything worked out! Sunday Morning was nice, since Eric and I got to sit down and eat breakfast while Kaylee was sleeping. Then, we reorganize our kitchen cabinets, since we had couple serving platter mishaps in our pantry. :( In the afternoon, I had a Book Club Meeting for "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen& Listen So Kids Will Talk". I really enjoyed the book and recommended it to anyone, you could use the information from any age. They have little comic strips in the book to give examples. It is really great. Then, we went to the groceries store as a family. Kaylee is starting to really enjoy places know....all the people and action around. Came home and made Meatloaf with Scalloped about comfort food! And that my friends was the weekend. Productive, Fun, and Jam Packed.


Queen Bee said...

We had so much fun with you guys on Saturday night. Hope we didn't scare you too much! :)