Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rum Runners

Yes, Team Rum Runners will be back in action. Eric and I will be doing the Upside Down Race in Comfort, TX on Febuary 22nd. Eric will be do the Mountain Bike part and I will run Cross Country. Then, we signed up for the Muddy Buddy Race in May in Johnson City. We had such a good time last year, so we definitely are looking forward to our races this year!

Monday, January 26, 2009

First UT Basketball Game

Kaylee went to her first UT Basketball Game last Saturday and got to see the Longhorns beat the Aggies! In true UT fashion, Kaylee went to Pre-Game at Scholtz's. It was the whole May Clan, classic Texas vs. Aggie rivalry. Kaylee thoroughly enjoyed herself at the game. She was clapping, pointing to the court, and kept putting her hands up for "Touchdown"....she will learn! She lasted to the 2nd Half with 8 minutes to go, which was awesome for a 7pm game including pre-party. (Much improvement compared to the Cubs Game over the summer!) She passed out in the car in record time, before we had her buckled up in the carseat. What a trooper!

My Husband, The Hombrewer

Yesterday was Eric's first day at Austin's Hombrew Store. And has everyone could imagine he loved it! Who wouldn't like talking about beer all day? Before everyone starts wondering about his part-time job, he took it with all of AMAT's forced shutdowns, not to mention to perfect his craft. Shutdown Recap: Was off for 4 Wks for Christmas, Worked 3 Wks, Off 2 Wks, Work 4 Wks, and Off 1 Wk....also some unannounced shutdowns over the summer. So, needless to say that is alot of time off and almost no more vacation days left. He is very excited about and even got a free beer at a local Pub since he now works there. He is a part of the inner circle. He will only work on the weekends and I believe you will hear us talking about starting a Microbrewery in the near future. Until then....

Our Little Helper

Little Miss Kaylee has become quite the little helper, such a Montessori Kiddo. She is definitely is the first born and has that natural born leader written all over her.

Here are a couple of examples of our little helper:

1. She sorts and puts the silverware (minus the knives) in the dishwasher. One by one.
2. She helps sweeps and uses her dust pan. She even takes dirt out of the flower pots, puts it on the floor, and then sweeps.
3. She throws all the trash and things that aren't trash in the trashcan.
4. She puts her dirty clothes in the hamper.
5. She helps fold laundry by putting all the socks on Mommy's foot.
6. She gets her shoes before going outside and boy does she try hard to get them on. Almost there!
7. She took Daddy's Debit Card and walked all the way to the front of the house to try to put it back his wallet. (We didn't even ask her! It was funny!)
8. For any spills (intentional or non-intentional), she will get the towel in the kitchen, wipe the spill, and put the towel back.
9. She will bring you your cell phone when it rings without asking. But then will continue to push random buttons.
10. Puts the Muffin Cups in the Muffin Pan. Over and Over again. You might have 3 on your Muffin.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ba Ba Ba Dance

The short window between Kaylee feeling better and before the parents got sick, we went outside for Kaylee to show off her Ba Ba Ba Dance. We think it is her version of singing, because she does while dancing and she changes octaves while saying it. She also loves to go in circles, but then falls down because she gets too dizzy. It is funny. Kaylee isn't as energetic as usual since she was sick, but you can tell she wanted to play.

All My Single Ladies

This one is for Becky....

Kaylee loves to dance and what not to dance to but Beyonce's smash hit "All My Single Ladies"! Just kidding....this happen to be on TV one morning and we decided to tape Kaylee somewhat dancing.

PS. I just showed Kaylee the video and she died laughing. I've never seen her respond like that before to anything!

Christmas Pictures

Pictures from Christmas Morning in San Antonio, Trail of Lights in Austin, Christmas in El Paso/New Mexico....

One of the Perks of having Kids

You get sick when they do! Yes, Kaylee came home Thursday thorwing up. She never ran a fever, but we checked in with Dr. G. He said she had a virus, but no need for antibotics just lots and lots of fluids. By the end of the day, she was feeling much better. Friday night we hung out as a family in the backyard playing....celebrating Kaylee feeling better. (I have some cute videos and will hope to post later.) All of the sudden I wasn't feeling to good, so I as off to bed early. At 2am, I found myself running to the bathroom to throw up. And again at 3 and 5. Eric was being super supportive until 6am when it hit him! We spent all day Saturday alternating throwing up, sleeping, and entertaining Kaylee. It was not fun. We both hadn't been that sick since we were kids. Thank goodness Kaylee was content playing by herself and we let her watch Seasme Street, Dora, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over and over. What a treat since she really doesn't watch much TV. We debated about getting a babysitter, but were too scared that she would pass the bug. Especially since we got word my dad got hit by the bug, after stopping by on Thrusday night. Sorry Papa! Luckily, Lindsey stopped by with so much needed fluids to get us through the day. Anyhow, we survived. It must have been a 24 hour bug, becuase we all feel much better now. Just one of the many perks of having kiddos! :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why Kaylee is cute....

1. While being tickled she pushes you away, but once you stop she pulls your hand back to tickle her some more.
2. She attempts to tickle your feet, which entails her touching your feet while she laughs.
3. She now dances with her hands in the air while swaying back and forth.
4. She like to put her forehead next to yours and laugh. However, she just head-butts you.
5. She loves to dip food into anything Mommy & Daddy does. ie. Chips & Salsa, Jalapeno Ranch, Goat Cheese with Jalapeno & Artichokes. Lets just say Kaylee will like spicy foods after 3 years old.
6. She is at the age of hiding and running while screaming and laughing. It is so funny. We can play run around the couch for a long time. She loves to sneak up on people. She is absolutely adorable.
7. Mwah! Kaylee loves to gives hugs, but hasn't quite figured out how to give kisses. BUT, she does know how to make the sound Mmmmwahhh! Melts my heart.....

Till next time....

2008 to 2009

I got to pat myself on the back for 2008. Inspired by Oprah's phenomenon "The Secret", Eric and I made a list of goals/resolutions last year. We checked all of them off, but 1 and half. Amongst the very long list.....drink more water (a soda is a treat now), new car, sell truck/boat, read more (now in book club), take vitamins (needs some work), new jobs, and Kaylee's Baptism (work in progress). I think, emphasis think, our main goal for 2009 is to prepare to move. Whether within Austin or else where, we are wanting to move out of the house. With the economy this bad, we have to play our cards right, hence why I think that is our goal. We've been to doing so major research and will hope for the best.

December Recap

Things have been rather busy in December, it was a quite a roller-coaster with ups and downs. I'm going to ramble now. I survive my first Christmas and End of the Quarter at work....lets just say it was busy to say the least. Eric survived another lay-off at work, which was a relieve. However, it was hard to keep spirits up with so many people that we knew that did get affected. (Not to mention the timing.) I spent a great 26th Birthday week with a Spa Day and Shopping with Lucy and then Becky flew in from Florida for the weekend. However, the my actual birthday was pretty rough.....I guess Birthday aren't what they used to be! In the middle of everything, I got news that a very dear friend of mine's mother passed away. It has been rather hard, since her mother was so wonderful and a great lady. And now that I am a mother, the mother and daughter relationship hits me a little hard. Being super busy, a Christmas Tree didn't make it up this year, which was probably best with K. However, we did make it to Trail of Lights (K has been every year! jk!) and I did get a Christmas Card, which made me happy. On the other co-worker welcomed a new baby girl, I got spend some time with some old SA friends, and Kaylee was cuter than ever on Christmas morning. We spent Christmas Eve as usual at Mimi's house and then at my folks house on Christmas Day. The May Kids' Santa Gift was Rock Band for the Wii and well, that is what we did ALL Christmas Day. Kaylee played her Tambourine. It was awesome. My Grandma & Reuben stopped by and my Grandma is a ultimate Rockstar after a Hip & Knee Replacement. She looked great! Then, we were off to El Paso for the Ernst Family Christmas. Kaylee did great on the plane and she enjoyed looking at the people at the airport. Boy to you make lots of friends when you have kids! Kaylee enjoyed her time with Ernst Clan and Hercules during her visit. We went wine tasting in New Mexico.....I got to revisit Exit 89 where Becky & I got stranded years ago from our trip from CA to TX. Eric and I came across a random Nambe Outlet store, which is the sliver platters we collect....and we got one 60% off! (Raise the roof). We ate lots and lots of good food, thanks to Glen and Julia. And now we are back to Austin! That pretty much sums December a nutshell! (Note: I guess I say that alot, people make fun). Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! :)

Happy Anniversary Folks!

Oh, my parents! They are celebrating their 33rd Wedding Anniversary today! (Note: 33 years...3+3=6 and 2009-the 3rd=6) My parents has been an inspiration to me.....they still can stand each other after so long! Just kidding, they have acted the same way since I could remember. I would catch them hugging or kissing in the hallway (gross) or their bickering will instantly turn in to laughter. As my father would say, they are ying and yang. I find my parents entertaining and funny and I don't see them getting boring anytime soon. Happy 33rd Anniversary!