Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 to 2009

I got to pat myself on the back for 2008. Inspired by Oprah's phenomenon "The Secret", Eric and I made a list of goals/resolutions last year. We checked all of them off, but 1 and half. Amongst the very long list.....drink more water (a soda is a treat now), new car, sell truck/boat, read more (now in book club), take vitamins (needs some work), new jobs, and Kaylee's Baptism (work in progress). I think, emphasis think, our main goal for 2009 is to prepare to move. Whether within Austin or else where, we are wanting to move out of the house. With the economy this bad, we have to play our cards right, hence why I think that is our goal. We've been to doing so major research and will hope for the best.