Saturday, January 3, 2009

December Recap

Things have been rather busy in December, it was a quite a roller-coaster with ups and downs. I'm going to ramble now. I survive my first Christmas and End of the Quarter at work....lets just say it was busy to say the least. Eric survived another lay-off at work, which was a relieve. However, it was hard to keep spirits up with so many people that we knew that did get affected. (Not to mention the timing.) I spent a great 26th Birthday week with a Spa Day and Shopping with Lucy and then Becky flew in from Florida for the weekend. However, the my actual birthday was pretty rough.....I guess Birthday aren't what they used to be! In the middle of everything, I got news that a very dear friend of mine's mother passed away. It has been rather hard, since her mother was so wonderful and a great lady. And now that I am a mother, the mother and daughter relationship hits me a little hard. Being super busy, a Christmas Tree didn't make it up this year, which was probably best with K. However, we did make it to Trail of Lights (K has been every year! jk!) and I did get a Christmas Card, which made me happy. On the other co-worker welcomed a new baby girl, I got spend some time with some old SA friends, and Kaylee was cuter than ever on Christmas morning. We spent Christmas Eve as usual at Mimi's house and then at my folks house on Christmas Day. The May Kids' Santa Gift was Rock Band for the Wii and well, that is what we did ALL Christmas Day. Kaylee played her Tambourine. It was awesome. My Grandma & Reuben stopped by and my Grandma is a ultimate Rockstar after a Hip & Knee Replacement. She looked great! Then, we were off to El Paso for the Ernst Family Christmas. Kaylee did great on the plane and she enjoyed looking at the people at the airport. Boy to you make lots of friends when you have kids! Kaylee enjoyed her time with Ernst Clan and Hercules during her visit. We went wine tasting in New Mexico.....I got to revisit Exit 89 where Becky & I got stranded years ago from our trip from CA to TX. Eric and I came across a random Nambe Outlet store, which is the sliver platters we collect....and we got one 60% off! (Raise the roof). We ate lots and lots of good food, thanks to Glen and Julia. And now we are back to Austin! That pretty much sums December a nutshell! (Note: I guess I say that alot, people make fun). Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! :)