Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Not-So-Baby Anymore

We had our final Urologist Appointment for Kaylee on Tuesday. Yay! Her "bad" kidney has completely disappeared. This is great news, because it rules out surgery. Her "good" kidney is very healthy and is the size of a 10-12 yr old's kidney. There is no reason to have any more follow-ups with the Urologist unless she gets a Urinary Tract Infection or something similar. But she hasn't had one yet, so we aren't concerned. Thank you all for supporting Eric & I through this journey....Kaylee appreciates it too, but she didn't sweat it much! :)

In other news, Kaylee has moved to the next class, The Warblers! The class has 20 vibrant kiddos from 18 months to 3 years old. Goals for this class are potty training, dressing/undressing themselves, self-serving food with place settings, pouring water from the pitcher to the cup, and garden practice (planting, picking, washing, cutting, and eating!). There is a lot more, but this is what we are most excited about!

Kaylee will turn 18 months next week, here are our some of her current favs:

Foods We Can't Live Without - Yogurt, Cheese, Olives, Fruit (no change there), Black Beans & Corn

New Words - Muffin, Box, Backpack, Chick, Rabbit, Max, Flower, Po-Po (Butt)

Favorite Animals - Dog, Ducks, Elephant, Alligator, Monkey, Pigs

Obsessions - Cooking, Yardwork with Daddy, Getting Ready (Hair/Make-Up) with Mommy (Every Morning!) and of course SHOES!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Holy Schnikes!

Saturday Morning, Eric & I participated in the Texas Round-Up 5k. The weather was humid sticky and about to pour....not ideal running weather! I have taken some time off since the last 10K, so I wasn't in the best running shape. Knowing my 10K pace now, I was thinking I needed to kick up the pace today. Boy, was it rough. I sprinted the 1st mile and died in the humidity. Never really recovered or felt great about the run I finished at 25 minutes 37 seconds. Not too bad, but I was hoping for less than 24 minutes. Any how, after finishing and wanting to re-do, the times were posted and.....I came in 2nd place in my age group of 55 people! I'm so excited and gives me even more motivation to do another one, because I KNOW I could have done better! Eric did great too, finishing right behind me at 26 minutes 54 seconds. I was very proud of him and he ran much more technical than I did! My parents met us at the race with Kaylee, where she devoured my Jamba Juice, watched and danced to the Cheerleaders, and ran around the Gymnastics set-up. The Muddy Buddy is around the corner....go Team Rum Runners!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter!

Little behind on the Easter pics, but here are some fun times with Kaylee. We spent Easter at the my folks house in San Antonio. We had an Easter Egg for Kaylee and she really got in to it! So much fun. We enjoyed an awesome Easter Lunch with Lamb Lollipops and Ham...yum! And Kaylee made Strawberry Cupcakes....oh my gosh did she enjoy cooking with Mommy?!? Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hoppin' into Easter

Eric and I were rather excited about the Easter Festivities this year! This is where having kids gives you an excuse to dye eggs and go to Easter Egg Hunts! Kaylee came home Thursday with a 102 Fever, but she was in a VERY good mood. She was eating well and had lots of energy, it was just a stubborn fever. We didn't think we would be able to dye Easter Eggs, but she was rearing to go. She could have dyed eggs for hours, she really enjoyed it! She was amazed how the eggs changed color. There was alot of ooohhh and awwws! Then, Saturday morning we went to Kaylee's 1st Easter Egg Hunt! She got excited once the kids started running all over the place. She also went into her first bouncy castle! As for the Easter Bunny, she was waving to him while waiting in line, but the minute it was our turn...WAHAH! It was pretty funny! We are off to San Antonio to spend Easter Day with the May Clan! Happy Easter! Enjoy the pics....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weekend in Florida

Last weekend, I went to go my BFF Becky G in Florida....Gainesville! For the record, Gainesville is not the pretty city off the beach. It is a typical huge college town in the swamp. Keep in mind I have been visiting her in beautiful Santa Barbara for the past 6 years, this was a change! Becky is currently getting her Masters in Physician Studies at University of very proud of her! The weather was beautiful...sunny, clear skies, and no humidity, which was rare! We hung out by the pool, acted like we were ungrads at the bars, played flip cup, went shopping, and even managed to find a swanky sushi restaurant. All in all it was a very fun weekend, it doesn't matter what city you are in when you are with your BFF!