Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Not-So-Baby Anymore

We had our final Urologist Appointment for Kaylee on Tuesday. Yay! Her "bad" kidney has completely disappeared. This is great news, because it rules out surgery. Her "good" kidney is very healthy and is the size of a 10-12 yr old's kidney. There is no reason to have any more follow-ups with the Urologist unless she gets a Urinary Tract Infection or something similar. But she hasn't had one yet, so we aren't concerned. Thank you all for supporting Eric & I through this journey....Kaylee appreciates it too, but she didn't sweat it much! :)

In other news, Kaylee has moved to the next class, The Warblers! The class has 20 vibrant kiddos from 18 months to 3 years old. Goals for this class are potty training, dressing/undressing themselves, self-serving food with place settings, pouring water from the pitcher to the cup, and garden practice (planting, picking, washing, cutting, and eating!). There is a lot more, but this is what we are most excited about!

Kaylee will turn 18 months next week, here are our some of her current favs:

Foods We Can't Live Without - Yogurt, Cheese, Olives, Fruit (no change there), Black Beans & Corn

New Words - Muffin, Box, Backpack, Chick, Rabbit, Max, Flower, Po-Po (Butt)

Favorite Animals - Dog, Ducks, Elephant, Alligator, Monkey, Pigs

Obsessions - Cooking, Yardwork with Daddy, Getting Ready (Hair/Make-Up) with Mommy (Every Morning!) and of course SHOES!


SUSIE said...

I am so excited for our little Warbler!!!

Brian and Dana Ernst said...

SUCH great news about her kidney! I'm still in awe of the fact that they can diagnose those kinds of things at 18 weeks of pregnancy -- science is incredible :)