Sunday, June 7, 2009

19 Month Old Kiddo

Our little Kaylee is 19 Months Old today! At her 18-Month Check-up, she was 33.5 inches (95%) and 27 pds (90%). The Doctor estimates to be 5'9 like her Mommy.

Run down on our little girl...

-She is an Ape. She copies anything Mommy & Daddy. From toe nail polish, lotion, make-up, cooking, eating, name she wants to do it if we are. But she is definitely a little girl, when we run errands she has to have her purse with her cell phone. She really enjoys shopping with Mommy.

-She is talking more and more! You can point to most everyday objects and she will say what it is or repeats us after we say it. Examples: bike, chair, shirt, car, etc. She knows all of her body parts and is learning to say more she said turtle for the first time. She will go into these adorable long jibber jabber stories...we look forward to understanding her soon!

-She is brainwashed. Every time she sees a longhorn or a football, she raises her arms and saids "Ouch Down" (Touchdown). It is hilarious. I did not realize how many items in our life have a longhorn or a decals, shirts, cups!

-She is right on track with Potty Training. She successfully goes "pee-pee" and "poo-poo". She will gives us signs of when she needs to go, but we are still working on her telling us every time. We will move to training pants soon!

-She is lovable. She has really become even more affectionate, by giving hugs and wet kisses. At school, they give handshakes, so don't be surprise if she wants to shake hands.

-She is putting together the "Ifs and Thens". She spilled some yogurt on the floor yesterday, went to go get a paper towel, wiped it up, threw away the paper towel, then sat back down at the table to finish the yogurt. I was like...what just happened here?!? I didn't say anything! I owe that to our amazing school, who really focus on responsibility and ownership. I love it!

Kaylee finally has enough hair for Pig-Tails & Pony-Tails!
And as you can see, she loves her sunglasses!

This is Kaylee's Signature look, mischievous eyes to the side. Mommy was notorious for this as well as a toddler. This was K when we went out to Sushi...she was not a fan of the Spicy Tuna. She will learn!


Kelly said...

love the pigtails and shades! too cute!