Monday, March 30, 2009

Capital 10K

Sunday Morning I ran my first 10K at the Statesman Capital 10K. I finished at 54 minutes and 14 goal was 55 minutes, so I was rather pleased! That is 8.44 minute miles! I was especially impressed since I worked 11hr days all last week including Saturday for EOQ. Not to mention margaritas to celebrate the EOQ Saturday night! So I can't wait to do another one in ALL seriousness! Funny Stats: 109th Place for my Age Group out of 568 AND 2124th Place out of 6,644 PEOPLE! Afterwards we went to Brunch and then later went to the Zilker Botanical Garden Festival with Caitlin & Melissa. So yes, I am exhausted!

Friday, March 27, 2009

What a week?!?

This week was rather unusual.....

1. It was my 2nd EOQ at Apple, which means LONG hours and very busy. However, it ALSO means....Chuy's. Macaroni Grill, PF Changs, Potbelly's, Rudy's, and unlimited cookies/candy. I think I gained 5 pounds. And thank goodness for a WONDERFUL husband, who keeps the household running smoothly!

2. Random Hail Storm Attacks Austin! You probably heard about it in the news, but we got some insane hail on Wednesday. It broke Lindsey's Camry's back window shield and damaged everyone's cars at work. LUCKILY, I literally left 3 minutes before it hit and I was headed the opposite direction. However, I did crack my iphone screen when trying to run to my car....absolutely shattered but it still works! I stole some pics from my friends....

3. Kaylee face-plants into the playground cement. It looks bad, but it looks MUCH better. She has picking up so much speed that I feel like we are going to have a LOT more incidents! Brace yourself....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life with Kaylee

At Old Navy, Eric & I turned our heads and.....this is what we got! Hilarious!

Such a good traveler! SHE insisted on the bow....she always does!

Karate Kaylee! Probably the funniest thing you will EVER see!

Seriosuly, if you are in town....we will show you this routine!

Kaylee prefers sleeping on the floor. She brings all of her blankets & bunnies and makes her bed by the door. In the morning, she returns everything back to the bed promptly. Glad we have a bed to store her blankets!

She brought her drinks WITH coasters to her favorite spot on the fireplace! Hilarious!

Never knew shopping for rugs could be SO fun!

If you want to see a happy Kaylee one word....SHOES!

Checking off the Grocery List, Seriously.

We don't watch much TV, but she gets a kick out of Dora. Look at that cute green dress!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Uncle Eric & Aunt Kristen

Yes, Kaylee is going to have her first cousin! Eric's brother Brian and his wife Dana are expecting a baby boy this August. They've decided on an adorable name.....Noah Christopher. Seriously, how cute? Cousins Kaylee & Noah...has a very nice ring to it! Eric & I are very excited for Brian & Dana and on becoming Uncle/Aunt for the first time! Them being pregnant constantly reminds me of being pregnant with K, which was a beautiful calmness where we dreamt of what our child would be like. Now we have a vibrant little helper running around....I don't think we will have another calm period of time again! Maybe, when she is 30? My advice to first-time parents is to enjoy the "Nesting", dream, and enjoy your time with your spouse. It is such a wonderful time.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

81st Zilker Park Kite Festival

The Kite Festival was on the top of my list of events in Austin I wanted to take K too. We got there right at 10am and boy, was it chilly. A little too cold for K. Let me stress to you how excited I was to see K's face when she saw all the kites, and well, she gave me nothing. She totally wasn't all. She immediately started dancing to the music and pointing/saying "dog, dog" over and over again. The dogs & music were her excitement. Until......she spotted the Sweet Leaf Tea booth. For those who don't know what Sweet Leaf Tea is, it is a bottled Sweet Tea Company out of Austin that sponsors lots of Austin events and races. We always get free Sweet Leaf Tea for races, so K is familiar. Anyhow, she spotted the sign and darted to it. It was so funny, but then she noticed the booth and oh my goodness was she excited. The staff working the booth were laughing and thought she was adorable....their youngest fan. So, they gave her a sticker. Kaylee was proud to wear it, but more wondering what it was. So K's highlights were music, dogs, and Sweet Leaf Tea and Eric & I's were the kites, hands down. Hopefully next year, she will enjoy it more.

Enjoying the Beautiful Weather in February?

This picture is so a girl-version of Eric! Lil Miss Eric.

You say Tongue....this is what you get.

You say Teeth....this is what you get.

Kaylee wouldn't stop dancing to my music on my iphone. She wouldn't give it up. It scares me to see the kids this generation... if she already knows to type on the computer and change songs on the iphone/ipod.

My good friend, Julia, had her a beautiful Bridal Shower this weekend in San Antonio. Congrats! In the pic, Me, Lindsey, Bethany, and Julia.