Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kaylee Counts to Ten in Spanish - Funny Ending

1st Place Black Opal Stout

So proud that Eric won 1st Place for his Black Opal Stout in the Bluebonnet Brew-Off in the Smoke Flavored & Wood Aged Beer Category! There was 74 entries, which is insane to me. You have to submit 3 bottles and send them to Dallas, so it is a lot of work to even enter. Also, Eric only entered two beers and to come out with a first place...hello, that is awesome. He is definitely making a name for himself in the Homebrew circuit, when we stopped in at another competition drop-off in Dallas this weekend...he knew people!

Black Opal Stout is oatmeal, chocolate, coffee stout infused with bourbon soaked oak cubes. His beers are for people that appreciate beer, no Dos Equis here. Very proud wife, I got a pretty good gig myself....drink beer and give feedback.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wedding Weekend in Dallas

My brother from another mother...(and father), Tim, got married this past weekend! Tim is Becky's brother, which she is my BFF of 20+ Years, so it felt like it was a family wedding. Becky is currently living in beautiful Santa Barbra and everyone else but Tim is living in Florida. So, it was great time to show-off baby Maddie May and growing Kaylee to my second family.

We headed up to Arlington on Thursday. It took forever to get all the "stuff" in the car, but Maddie slept the whole way and K napped and played with the iPad. Smooth trip for the most part. Eric was a Saint, while I headed to the Rehearsal Dinner, he ordered pizza with the girls. It was my first real night out without the girls, it was weird, but I was with my other girl Becky. Did I mention Kaylee loves hotels? She assumes the whole hotel knows her and kept asking to go "see the people". She loves the attention, especially when Becky's Aunt painted her nails. And Becky gave K makeup, so of course she put lip gloss on every girl, no boys...that's silly.

The rest of the weekend we spent a lot of time in Fort Worth shopping and visiting friends. The fam and extended fam all went shopping after margaritas, which I think Becky and I just like to see how many cities we drink Margaritas and go shopping at Anthropologie. I can count 6 cities. Also, found my new favorite kiddo die for. I'm still dreaming of a few outfits right now. Next, we met up with Alicia and her boyfriend at Joe T's, which is my new favorite place. Gorgeous patio and yummy margaritas! My sister, Caitlin, was also able to stop by to hang out with the whole HP crew. And last, we visited Tim & Erika at their adorable house, where they are getting ready for Crawford James's arrival in July!

Eventful weekend and not even the wedding yet! The wedding was fun, just had some logistics issues with the girls. IE. we left and then I came back 3 hours later to continue the night. It's hard work to keep a newborn and 3 yr old all happy. But hey, at least we made it.

Tired to say the least...and we didn't take many pictures. Hands were full with little ones and their "stuff".

Love my 2nd Family

How cute? They are so wearing these Easter, don't judge. ;)

Me and the Girls

BFFs - Westside

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kiddie Park

Kiddie Park is one of my favorite childhood memories and couldn't wait to take the kiddos! It has 1920s-era park rides and is the oldest kid's park in the US...opened in 1925! Most every San Antonio native has had their birthday party there at one point. The rides are perfect for younger kids, so Kaylee was ready to go!

This ride was the most "scary" going up and down and round and round.
K's face was priceless...she loved going high!

Again, loved going high. But not so sure about the boys with her...

Of course, she picked the PINK airplane!

Oh, and we rode the Carousel at least 6 times!

She pouted the whole time on this one and we couldn't figure out why. Later that night, K said she didn't like the girl with the red hair. We asked what girl with the red hair, and the girl with the red hair took the pink train leaving K with the green train. She didn't have fun on this one...

San Antonio Getaway

Last Weekend, we packed the 2 kiddos off to San Antonio! We are pros now...

I first headed to one of my dear friend's adorable baby shower and I can not wait to meet Noah Christian in May!

Saturday night, Maddie got to meet her Great-Grandparents on my side and Uncle Tyler, who was on Spring Break from Texas Tech. They got to see some cooing, smiling, and it was a complete visit. ;) Of course, Tutu made some yummy food. And my father provided the entertainment for the night by catching the BBQ Pit on fire...and almost the house.

On Sunday, Eric and I took to K to one of my favorite childhood memories...Kiddie Park, see next post. In the afternoon, Maddie and Kaylee got to see my old High School friends Lindsey and Julia. It was so nice to catch up!

Overall, it was a very eventful and fun weekend! Most of all, I enjoyed taking the kids to where I grew up...I absolutely love my neighborhood with big yards, big trees, old houses, and deer all in the perfect location. I want to buy a house like that in Austin...but can't afford a 1M house at the moment. One day...

Maddie May with the Great-Grandmas!

Grinning Ear to Ear

Uncle Tyler with the Girls...I love K's face in this one

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

I like any Holiday where all you have to do is wear green and drink beer.

Yes, I had a Guinness.

Yes, K opted for the PINK shirt with green writing oppose to a green shirt.

And yes, M is adorable.
Representing my less 10% Irish with a little Strawberry Blonde tint?
OK, maybe a stretch...but we're celebrating St. Patrick's Day!

For those who don't get to see K often, this is one of her signature looks.


Bath Time!

K insisted that Maddie should take a bath with her, but with much convincing we agreed on right next to each other. This was the first "real" bath we gave M, besides the sponge baths. No reaction from smiles or frowns.

However, K was all smiles.

Got nothing from Maddie....

And for those who ask who Maddie looks like? Well, below is a picture of Kaylee about the same age. I swear.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What the Princess Likes....

Toothless Grins

Say AHH!

Today, K visited the Dentist for the first time. Our Pediatrician had been checking her, but had recommended taking her to the Dentist to get comfortable. Once she turns four, she will get an actual cleaning. Today the focus was just a quick examination, tooth brushing, and a talk about nutrition. K seemed a little nervous at first, but once the Dentist told her that Cinderalla goes to the Dentist...everything was just fine! Apparently, K has "crystals" for teeth now. Whatever works! Everyone in the office went crazy for Maddie, but K was quick to inform them that Maddie has NO teeth and that she has princess teeth.

For whatever reason, my mom would take us to Olmos Pharmacy for the best milkshakes in SA after the Dentist. Now out of habit, I suggested K get a milkshake afterwards. Nothing like a mouthful of sugar after a good teeth cleaning! As a side note, you can order a McDonald's milkshake before 10:30AM, but can't order a Happy Meal?

Monday, March 14, 2011

K's New Hair-Do

I'm tired of picking up K from school and her hair looks like her parents have never washed or brushed it. All the other girls still have their bows in, why can't you keep anything in? So, we are chopping her bird nest. Going to hear about this one from Daddy, who loves your hippie ways.

Clean Summer Cut
Maddie, you're down there. Next time.

Pink, did you have to ask?

"Mommy, I'm so excited. I'm a Princess."

Time to dance like a Princess...

Kaylee's Input

As we walked to K's room last night to put her PJ's on after bath, Kaylee provided her two cents.

"Mommy, I need a brother and a sister. I already have a sister, so now I need a brother."

No response.

"Okay, Mommy?!?!"

I chuckled, talked to your Daddy.

"Daddy, I already have a sister, but I need a brother. Okay?"

Maddie burst into tears. Daddy burst into laughter.

"Don't laugh! This isn't funny! I need a brother!"

Well K, we will wait and see if you get a brother or if you need to get an imaginary brother. Mommy and Daddy can't think about baby #3 for awhile. ;)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kaylee & Ashley

Yes, this is a picture of Kaylee and Ashley. Don't you see her?!?

Ashley is one of Kaylee's imaginary friends. Last year, we went to Eric's cousin's wedding, where Kaylee met a vibrant flower girl, Ashley. A real girl. Once we got home, K would call Ashley on her pretend phone and have conversations. Next thing we knew, Ashley was living with us.

"You are sitting on Ashley."

"You hit Ashley on the head."

"No, that's Ashley's"

Yep, Mommy and Daddy often sit, step, hurt Ashley since we have NO idea where she is. So, we have to apologize. It is adorable, but at times frustrating.

Along with Ashley, there is Daisy (started from a toy bracelet), Ocho the Dog, Grinco, and other made up names. K refers to her "Big House" in the city/town, where she has a whole other family there. The level of detail in her stories are amazing. The BabyCenter weekly email said my three-year old would have imaginary friends, but I didn't think to this degree!

Anyhow, its adorable and impressed with K's wild imagination!

Maddie at 5 Weeks

Maddie is 5 Weeks today! I feel like she is should be three months old, we have done so much! With Kaylee, we stayed in the house for like 2 months, but with Maddie we were out to lunch and shopping at Day 3. Life keeps going with Baby #2. Maddie and Mommy have been going on our 2 mile walks everyday during the week and Post-Natal Yoga on Wednesday. Yes, Maddie just sleeps through it all.

Maddie, here is what kind of baby you are:
-Efficient Eater: You are done in 5 minutes. You can chug.
-Outspoken Pooper: You let everyone know when you are going poop.
-Zero to 10 Crier: You go from silent baby to crier. I don't blame you, you have to be heard over Kaylee. ;)
-Mild Reflux: You have spit up a total of 4 times. Not bad, except for you get the reflux to your throat and then swallow it. More painful to watch.
-Sleeping Preference: Sleeps in the Baby Chair, partly due to the reflux. Hates the Bassinet, but started to like it this week.
-Schedule: 3 hours feedings in the day and sleeping 4-5 hours at night! Almost to that 6 hours, Mommy and Daddy can't wait!
-Growing girl: Already over 10 pounds!
-Discovering Hands and Ceiling Fans: Amazing!
-And my personal favorite....toothless grins!

We love you Maddie and it has been such a fun 5 weeks!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Toilet Paper Roll Holder Incident

Game of Clue: Innocent Three-Year Old "Miss K", In the Master Bedroom, With the Toilet Paper Roll Holder.

Crime: Crying Newborn with a Bump on Forehead.

Yes, this is my Monday morning. After feeding Madison, I went to the Bathroom. Aren't Moms allowed? Next thing I know, Maddie is screaming, Kaylee won't tell me what happened, and our metal toilet paper roll holder that the maids broke the day before is laying next to Maddie. Yes, Miss K bopped Maddie on the head. I was able to soothe Maddie right away, and wasn't too worried....but then again this is a FOUR week old and the toilet paper roll holder is a rather heavy metal. Called the Pedestrian and they told us what to look out for....Maddie is fine and will be one tough little girl.

Now for Miss K, this is not like her. She just isn't a violent kid. However, she has become a rather curious and imaginative kid. So once again, we had the gentle and fragile talk. More importantly, she has entered a stage where she doesn't tell Mommy and Daddy what is wrong. Whether embarrassed or afraid of getting in trouble or disappointing her parents, she has hid the fact that she spilled Gatorade on the patio (not a big deal) and how her index finger is bleeding after experimenting with a pencil sharpener. So, the past couple of weeks have been a lot of talking with our Big Girl. We definitely have entered another stage of parenting, remember when they just eat, sleep, poop? Thanks Maddie.

Kite Festival

This past Sunday was the annual Zilker Kite Festival! This is one of our favorite events in Austin and it was such a beautiful day.

Kaylee having fun.....

Maddie having fun.....

Afterwards, we recycled our bread and fed the ducks! The swans were out too!

Kaylee feeding the ducks....

Maddie feeding the ducks....

Candyland Meltdown

Lately, we have been playing board games with Kaylee on the weekends after bathtime. We gave her Candyland as a Christmas present and we were enjoying playing a real game as a family. At first, she followed the directions well and understood how to win the game. After a few weeks, she quickly learned that she didn't want to "win" anymore, she simply only wanted "Queen Frostine". So, we would spend the whole game looking for that card. Then, K just wanted to collect each character card, regardless if she had to move back to the beginning of the game. Last Saturday, she was literally ONE rainbow square of winning the game, when Daddy picked the "Gingerbread Man".

Dramatic music. Burst into tears. Meltdown in Candyland.

Finally, K compromised and switched spots with Daddy. Yes, one spot away from winning to the first charter square. Add another 30 minutes to the game. Guess we are far from actually playing a board game by its rules. Just know if you play with K, she always least by her rules.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

When Mommy gets sick....

How is that I get sick, but no one else in the family is? I haven't been sick with cold/flu since Swine Flu 2009. Mommies should not be able to get sick, just sayin. Feeding a newborn and keeping up with an active three-year old is not easy and when sick its not easy or fun. Fever broke this morning, so just pray that no one else gets sick in this household.

Luckily, I married Eric.

Hard at Work

Precision and Patience.

Yesterday, we went to see Kaylee hard at work at school.

"Work" is the term used in Montessori -From an evolutionary perspective, the long period of childhood exists so children can learn and experiment in a relatively pressure-free environment. Most social scientists refer to this pressure-free experimentation as “play,” although Montessori prefers to call this activity the “work” of childhood. Children are serious when engaged in the kind of play that meets developmental needs. Given freedom and time, they choose purposeful activities over frivolous ones.

She has been doing some of this work since she was 12 months old. But now she does it with such precision and patience. She used to build the tower and knock it down. Not skipping one beat, she unrolls the mat, moves the blocks smallest to largest to the mat, builds it from largest to smallest, breaks it down smallest to largest, puts it back where it belongs largest to smallest, rolls the mat, puts the mat where it belongs. Good job!

Currently, her favorite work is the Flower Puzzle. Each petal is slightly different, so it is a rather challenging puzzle. Very proud of our Big Girl!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Oh, Kaylee and Maddie. Big Sister, Little Sister. Obsessed, Smothering, Loving...this is how I would describe Kaylee with her little sister. She absolutely loves Madison more than anything. She gives kisses non-stop, non-stop. She consistently is on top of her making out. I tell her to stop smashing her, but she gets mad and yells "I'm LOVING my sister!" Whatever, I can't stop the sister love. At times, she makes me call her Big Sis and Maddie Lil Sis. When I pick K up from school, all I hear for the next hour is "My sister, so beautiful. Ohh. Cutie Pie. Little toes. Chubby Cheeks. Ahh." I have no idea where she gets this behavior. ;) Guess I'm the one to blamed for this lovefest.

Love at First Sight

Proud Big Sister

Kaylee and Maddie

Sleeping Beauties

Maddie and Kaylee's Baby Ashley

Madison May Ernst

We welcomed little Maddie into the world on snowy Texas day February 4, 2011 at 4:31PM. She weighed 8 pounds and 12! And was 21 inches long. She is beautiful. Of course she is perfect, but she really does have a perfect round head...really per the Doctor and Nurses. ;)

She is a good little baby....good eater and sleeper. Very chill kiddo. The Doctor even made a comment, "She doesn't give you much trouble, does she?" Nope, she doesn't. The three year old on the other

Little Maddie

Big Girl

First Day

Kind of a Family Pic

Going Home

Why should I start blogging again....

1. Mini-Vacay from working 80 hours a week
2. Kids say the darnest thing
3. Kaylee's imaginary friends
4. I'm bad at Baby Books
5. Keep record of Eric's Homebrews


6. Maddie May!