Friday, March 11, 2011

Maddie at 5 Weeks

Maddie is 5 Weeks today! I feel like she is should be three months old, we have done so much! With Kaylee, we stayed in the house for like 2 months, but with Maddie we were out to lunch and shopping at Day 3. Life keeps going with Baby #2. Maddie and Mommy have been going on our 2 mile walks everyday during the week and Post-Natal Yoga on Wednesday. Yes, Maddie just sleeps through it all.

Maddie, here is what kind of baby you are:
-Efficient Eater: You are done in 5 minutes. You can chug.
-Outspoken Pooper: You let everyone know when you are going poop.
-Zero to 10 Crier: You go from silent baby to crier. I don't blame you, you have to be heard over Kaylee. ;)
-Mild Reflux: You have spit up a total of 4 times. Not bad, except for you get the reflux to your throat and then swallow it. More painful to watch.
-Sleeping Preference: Sleeps in the Baby Chair, partly due to the reflux. Hates the Bassinet, but started to like it this week.
-Schedule: 3 hours feedings in the day and sleeping 4-5 hours at night! Almost to that 6 hours, Mommy and Daddy can't wait!
-Growing girl: Already over 10 pounds!
-Discovering Hands and Ceiling Fans: Amazing!
-And my personal favorite....toothless grins!

We love you Maddie and it has been such a fun 5 weeks!


SUSIE said...

How they change in just 5 weeks! Maddie's little personality looks like it's emerging!