Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Semi-Finalist x2

Yesterday I found 2 boxes at the door. I thought they were probably a birthday gift for Eric, but found my name on it. I thought this was weird and had no idea why I would be getting something from Grand Rapids. I opened the boxes and it was 2 big Martha Stewart Cookbooks. I proceeded to open the box and found a letter that I was a Hunt's Tomato Recipe Semi-Finalist for 2 of my recipes. I had entered 3. Although I didn't win, I was totally ecstatic to get 2 cookbooks! The recipes that won was my Baked Ziti and Tomato Cups. Yesterday was a lucky day, because I also found the baby in the King's Cake. I did buy a lottery ticket after hearing the Lottery Jingle on the radio three times in my very short drive , but didn't win. But I will take what I can get! :)

Birthday Daddy

Yesterday was Eric's 36th Birthday! I kept singing "Happy Birthday" while pointing to him....Kaylee kept smiling, knowing something was special. Such a cutie! As usual, I made Eric's favorite Gravy Meat with Mashed Potatoes and Peas. For dessert, a two-layer chocolate cake with chocolate icing and we can't forget the Triple Chocolate Ice Cream to top it off! He had a good birthday and we will continue to celebrate through the week!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Upside Down Race

This past weekend Eric & I had our Upside Down Dualthalon in Comfort, Texas. Eric did the 16 mile Mountain Bike leg and I did the 2.5 Mile Run. And drumroll please....Team Rum Runners got 2nd Place!! Well, I should mention there were only 4 teams competing in the relay. But hey, we got to stand on the podium and we got a gift bag with fleece blankets. We will take it! We had a great time after we warmed up from the 26 degree weather! Eric had a rough first leg after having a nasty fall. He hit a rock with his knee, but we believe is doing well. He got X-Rays yesterday and no broken bones. It still maybe be a torn meniscus, but hope that it is just a bad bruise. My run went well and might I add that I beat the first place team. ha! Eric killed the 2nd leg with a great time. Did I mention there was free Fireman's 4 Beer afterwards? Good Times. After the race, we met my parents, who had Kaylee, in the small town of Comfort for lunch. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, but were totally beat! We made it home and all took naps as we recovered from the race!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

First off, the Ernst household is finally healthy and doing well. I had a pathetic small cough from cedar that I finally got knocked out with a Z-Pack. Kaylee had a small fever from teething, but finally cut 2 more teeth! She still has a runny nose, but we all are on the right track! To celebrate Valentine's Day, I went to a Fondue Party for Fun Mamas on Friday Night. How cute, right? It was good to have a girls night and eat some good food. Not to mention, I'm obsessed with the Cheese Fondue! It was just Gruyere & Swiss with some White Wine...yum! Saturday Morning, I made migas and mimosas....some of my favorite things. Then, I tried to teach Kaylee had to make Eric's favorite cheesecake. She was very interested, but then discovered how to lick the bowl. She mastered that. For dinner, we ordered a heart shaped Mangia pizza. Guess it is kind of tradition now to order one, since 2 V-Days ago was so special! LOL. Sunday was absolutely gorgeous, which in Austin it means to go to Hula Hut. So we did....along with the rest of Austin. We met Lucy there and spent pretty much the day there. Kaylee had fun looking at all the ducks on the lake and running around fearless. Rather exhausting for Mama! It was a fun Valentine's Weekend. We got a big training week, since our big race is next Sunday. I was out of pocket last week with a cough and Eric's bike chain broke, so we need to step it up this week!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Table vs. Kaylee

The table won. While visiting in San Antonio at my folks house, Kaylee literally head-butted a granite table corner. She is fine....I think I freaked out more than she did since I watch the whole thing go down. At first, I didn't see any marks and then....a nice blue/black goose egg started coming out of her forehead. I freaked out some more. Then seconds later, Kaylee was eating grapes on Daddy's lap. It took longer for me to catch my breath. The same damn table was the one that left many bruises on my boney hips growing up. This was Kaylee's first accident which was quite impressive considering she is 15 months old! However, tonight she busted her lip on the side of our coffee table! Think she is making up for lost time or something?! Once again, she is fine. This accident caused blood, but it was just the inside of her mouth. Oh, my Kaylee. We are past the walking stage....and are in the adventurous running, climbing, and maneuvering herself in awkward places.

Birthdays Galore!

We had a Birthday Packed Weekend. Friday was Aunt Dana's Birthday, Saturday we celebrated Finis's 80th Birthday, and Sunday was Tudie's Birthday (aka My Mom)! Hope everyone had a wonderful birthday and ate plenty of cake! We headed to San Antonio on Saturday to for Finis's Party, it was great to see the May Clan and all of Mimi & Finis's friends. Then, Kaylee & I spent the afternoon with my friend Lindsey and went to the neighborhood park that I grew up at. Eric & I had a good night out in "Suburbs"...I put in quotes because it used to be the hill country and now totally development. So weird to go back. Then, Sunday we had brunch for my mom's birthday. Although Kaylee wanted to run around outside the whole time. Overall it was a fun weekend with one minor accident....see next post.