Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Semi-Finalist x2

Yesterday I found 2 boxes at the door. I thought they were probably a birthday gift for Eric, but found my name on it. I thought this was weird and had no idea why I would be getting something from Grand Rapids. I opened the boxes and it was 2 big Martha Stewart Cookbooks. I proceeded to open the box and found a letter that I was a Hunt's Tomato Recipe Semi-Finalist for 2 of my recipes. I had entered 3. Although I didn't win, I was totally ecstatic to get 2 cookbooks! The recipes that won was my Baked Ziti and Tomato Cups. Yesterday was a lucky day, because I also found the baby in the King's Cake. I did buy a lottery ticket after hearing the Lottery Jingle on the radio three times in my very short drive , but didn't win. But I will take what I can get! :)


SUSIE said...