Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Upside Down Race

This past weekend Eric & I had our Upside Down Dualthalon in Comfort, Texas. Eric did the 16 mile Mountain Bike leg and I did the 2.5 Mile Run. And drumroll please....Team Rum Runners got 2nd Place!! Well, I should mention there were only 4 teams competing in the relay. But hey, we got to stand on the podium and we got a gift bag with fleece blankets. We will take it! We had a great time after we warmed up from the 26 degree weather! Eric had a rough first leg after having a nasty fall. He hit a rock with his knee, but we believe is doing well. He got X-Rays yesterday and no broken bones. It still maybe be a torn meniscus, but hope that it is just a bad bruise. My run went well and might I add that I beat the first place team. ha! Eric killed the 2nd leg with a great time. Did I mention there was free Fireman's 4 Beer afterwards? Good Times. After the race, we met my parents, who had Kaylee, in the small town of Comfort for lunch. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, but were totally beat! We made it home and all took naps as we recovered from the race!