Sunday, October 5, 2008

The 7 Worst Things Good Parents Do

I went to Book Club today, which is at Kaylee's school. We are reading parenting books and then discuss, which I find to be very valuable. Last month's book was "How to Raise an Amazing Child: The Montessori Way." I haven't read it, but the book has several photos and looks to be a good reference or guide. I did read this month's book, "The 7 Worst Things Good Parents Do" and thought I would share the 7 things.

Remember they are the Worst..
1. Baby your child
2. Put your marriage last
3. Push your child into too many activities
4. Ignore your emotional or spiritual life
5. Be your child's best friend
6. Fail to give your child structure
7. Expect your child to fulfill your dreams