Saturday, October 4, 2008


Friday was "TGIF" day. It was my last day at work, which was short and sweet. Came in, trained a little, exit interview, long goodbyes, and out by lunch. Side Note: I received a very nice gift from the Singapore people have been training for the past 2 months. Moving on...Eric and I left at lunch to pick up my new car! Yes, I bought a 2008 Toyota Rav4. No, it isn't my dream car, but I was proud of myself to buy a new car. For the record, it is black and with tan leather interior. We haven't yet said goodbye to the truck, but I will inform my attached friends as soon as it is gone. Teardrop. Then, we were off to some yummy sandwiches at Jimmy John's and to Tiffany's Treats to pick up some cookies. The cookies were for the teachers at Kaylee's school, because we were meeting them for a conference. We got to her school and Kaylee is so funny when we are there, because she has this proud attitude going on. Like...yes, MY parents are...time to show off. We had a great meeting with and they are going to move Kaylee up to the Hummingbird class. We are very excited for her transition and can't say enough good things about her school. After an eventful day, we met some co-workers for a Happy Hour and called it a day. All in all, end of era at AMAT, new car, Kaylee changing classes, and new job on Monday. TGIF! (Just wished they still played Full House on ABC)