Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kaylee's and Kristen's New Obsessions

Kaylee's New Obsession is - DUCKS! That is her new favorite word. She walks around the house, rides in the car, lays down, repeating "duck, duck, duck!" It is very cute, but a bit repetitive. She has been walking around with her rubber duckie and her red block with a duck on it. She is very protective of these objects, not letting us hold them. She saids "aqua" and now she calls every person "da da". Never in a million years would I think our daughter's first words would be "aqua" and "duck". What ever happened to "ma ma", "da da" or "ball"?

Kristen's New Obsession is - WINE! No surprise there, but I found 2 wineries I'm very fond of and I thought I would share.

d'Arenberg - Australia:
Known for their Dead Arm Shiraz, which is their higher end stuff, but definitely worth it for a special occasion. I've had the following, which are in the $20 range. I haven't found anything I didn't like....perfect for the holidays!

2005 d'Arry's Original
2006 The Footbolt
2006 The Dead Arm
2007 The Hermit Crab

Luigi Bosca - Argentina:

Recommended from my personal wine assistant, Lucy. The girl knows wine and knows what Eric & I like. She never fails. Everything we've had from them is very good. Also in the $20 range. They also have their lower end La Linda, which is a good value. Try the Torrentes. One day when I'm a high roller, I hope to try their Icono 2005....$100+. I said ONE day. lol.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Go Around the Room and Tell What You Are Thankful For

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. This year we celebrated with the May side (My Dad's side) at my Aunt & Uncle's house outside of Bastrop. Surprisingly, we didn't take any pictures. Anyhow, every year my Dad makes go around the room and tell what we are thankful for....some are real and some are funny. So I decide to share mine...

The real ones.....

1. My Man - Eric is the poster child for Husband & Father of the Year. I can go on and on about him. But just know he does about everything for me and Kaylee and never asks for anything in return. I am very thankful.
2. Miss Kaylee - No matter how frustrated, stressed out, or just down, Miss Kaylee can bring a smile to my face. She makes me rush home everyday and makes me excited to wake up in the morning. I'm very fortunate to have a little smiling face everyday.
3. My Family - We have a quite a big family when you consider Eric & I are both from a families of 4 kids. I've always liked big families because of the dynamic of everyone's unique personality that they bring to the table. I'm very fortunate for my relationships with each one and so very lucky that I can always call on anyone in a pickle. I need to make a shout out to my mom, who every Thanksgiving/Holidays puts up with our shenanigans. We all make outlandish food requests and she manages to do it all for us. She is a pro super mom.
4. Health - I've been pretty health conscience over the years, but after being pregnant I've really focused on a healthy lifestyle. You may look good, but that doesn't mean a healthy heart. With that, I'm so very fortunate that all my loved ones are healthy. And little Kaylee's kidney is just doing fine. So, very thankful.
5. Jobs The economy is the worst it has been in my life. I don't know what is going to happen in the near future, but at this moment I'm very thankful that Eric and I have jobs. And I'm so proud of Eric for finishing his MBA when he did. :)

The not-so-real ones....

1. Pre-peeled Garlic - My must-have in the fridge for 2008. We use sooo much garlic in our cooking that I was getting annoyed with peeling garlic and I'm not a fan of anything in can, which left HEB's pre-peeled garlic. It is fast and flavorful....everything I love.
2. Upper Crust Bakery - This has been with me through the, bridal showers, baby showers, birthday parties. It is my happy place. If you haven't been there, go there.
3. iCal - I couldn't live without my iCal. I've synced my whole life to it. I used to go with the flow, but over the years I've been forced to plan more and more. It makes me happy that it is all there in one place.
4. Cheesy Girlie Movie - I just watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. It was cheesy, it was girlie, I love it. There is nothing better than a total chick flick. Can't wait to take Kaylee when she is older, so I can used that has an excuse to go see High School Musical 8.
5. My friends that make me spend money - Yes, I'm thankful that whenever I with Becky or Lucy they make me spend money. You ask, why is that good? I feel it is good to go splurge every once in awhile, life is too short, buy yourself something nice. I don't do it by myself anymore, but I can't say no when I with them. Retail Therapy is great and has been very effective over the years. I recommend it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2 Peas in a Pod

Today Eric & I watched Kaylee's friend Blake, who will melt your heart with his dimples. Watching the 2 play together is absolutely adorable, they both love "agua", bananas, and playing peek-a-boo. At one point, Kaylee had fun stuffing all her toys in her wagon, then Blake would move it to the next room, so they could unload it....everywhere. What a team?!? Blake did awesome, however Miss Kaylee did not like sharing Mom & Dad or her favorite toys with him. She does well at school and at others' houses, but hasn't had to share much of her stuff at her home. Every time we would give any attention to Blake, Kaylee would come running. And who knew that a red block with a duck on it and a black pen were her prize possessions? We had never seen this side of Kaylee, but not surprised too much since like every kid goes through it. A little insight for what to expect if we have a 2nd kiddo. Anyways, I'm so happy that Blake and Kaylee are good friends...they are 2 Peas in a Pod.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Morning with the Ernst Family

Here are a couple of videos of Kaylee walking and lots of her personality! Just in the past week, she has gotten so good at walking. In the videos, she getting a bit hyper, so there are a couple funny falls. She also goes to Eric, becuase he has "agua". The girl that loves water...hates baths...go figure. The last video is really funny, becuase Kaylee freaks out everytime she sees the picture of her friend Blake on the Fridge.

It is beginning to look alot like Christmas...

After a having a blast at Blake's 1st Birthday Party, we headed down to Macy's Christmas Tree Lighting. We couldn't believe how crowded it was, but American Idol Winner Jordin Sparks and Dan Dyer were lots of teeny boppers! Luckily since my parents have an apartment at The Domain, we were able to park in the "Residents Only" Parking. Thank goodness. We stopped by Joe DiMaggio's for some drinks and apps and then watched the lighting of the tree and pretty exciting fireworks show. I wasn't expecting much of a show from a mall! Surprisingly, the fireworks didn't scared Miss K at all. She pointed to them and was saying "pow...pow...pow". It was very great. We couldn't get a cute picture in front of the tree....Kaylee was very exhausted after such a big day, but she was a total trooper! But still after going to bed late, she always seems to manage to wake up at 7am on the dot!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kaylee's Website

I just finished Kaylee's Website and will take it down at the end of the month. Please make last comments, because I will ordering a keepsake CD for her baby book. I can't believe how much she has grown!!! Thank you all for visiting!

We got a walker....Kaylee!

This week.....Kaylee started walking! She walks with her hands in the air and it is hilarious! She can't contain herself with can tell she is proud of herself. She will start to lose balance, stop, regroup, and then off again. She will be making laps around the house, before you know it. We still haven't gotten a video of her, but hope to get one soon!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Top Chef

Last night, Eric and I had a cook-off. We are funny....we've been planning to do this since Sunday. This all started when I looked at our freezer to find several proteins that we need to use up. I love making dinner using the food we have in the fridge. You get to be creative and work with what you got! So, this lead to our Stuffed Pepper Cook-off. I haven't had one of these in a LONG time and I guess it was one of Eric's favorite growing up. He made it the traditional way with beef, rice, tomato sauce, and spices in a green bell pepper topped with feta. I took the Southwestern approach (no surprise there) with beef (used spices kind of like taco meat), corn, black beans, rotel, and cheese in a green bell pepper topped with panko. And the winner is......Kristen! Yep, Eric folded and gave me the win. It came down to his needed a little more ump and mine was packed with flavor. Although I feel his has more potential to be better next time. I really wished someone could have seen us, because we were very competitive and secretive. It was very humorous. I think watching Top Chef (our fave) has contributed to this as well. We get so excited watching it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And we just don't stop.....

I've been a bit behind on the blog, because we've been so busy!! It just doesn't stop...I should say WE don't stop. This past weekend, we had a top secret mission on Saturday morning and will reveal at a later date. Then, we were off to San Antonio. One of my close High School friends had a Graduation Party. He FINALLY (j/k) graduated from George Washington in DC! It was great to see some old friends and teachers. Some I don't think I've since HS Graduation! It was weird to say I was "Married with a 1 year old" over and over. Not so much the married part....but to say I have a "1 year old". When did Kaylee grow up so fast! She isn't a "baby" or a "newborn", but a "1 year old"! It is crazy. On Sunday, Eric slept all day while Kaylee was having way too much fun at the May Grandparents' House. She was squealing with delight non-stop and boy did she get smitten with Uncle T! On our way back to Austin, we stopped at our favorite Pottery Barn Outlet in San Marcos. It is huge with things you don't really NEED. So we bought sale fall decor, peppermint swirl dessert plates and tray, more mixing bowls, lamp shades, cake dome, and a Kids' Party book. Talk about some useless odds and ends! But we are very happy with our purchases! This week should be somewhat calmer than the past couple of weeks.....then the holidays are approaching!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kaylee's 1st Birthday Extravaganza

It has taken me some time to recover from an exciting birthday weekend, sorry for the delay. Kaylee (& parents) had a wonderful 1st Birthday. On her actual birthday, she went to school for the morning where they had a traditional Montessori Birthday. I brought her favorite Apple Cinnamon Muffins and of course she gobbled those down. Then, we spent the rest of the day playing outside and waiting for Eric to come home. We stopped by at a Happy Hour to see Uncle Greg & Aunt Emily, what else would an one year old want to do on their birthday?!? Then the rest of Eric's family stopped by the house for a minute and then we were off to bed. Saturday was the big day. Several family members came in town for the party. We couldn't be more fortunate! The party was just a good 'ol backyard bash. The kiddos played with the new toys (that the Engineers put together), we drank Eric's new fabulous homebrew, ate mini cheeseburgers & salmon burgers, and then went to down on the cake. I was very proud of my Giant Cupcake Cake...I thought it was the perfect 1st Birthday Cake! Kaylee and all the kids were in a great mood the whole time and played hard.....she was out by 6pm. Overall, it was a wonderful day! Unfortunately, Kaylee wasn't feeling well the next day, but is doing much better. However, when kids are sick, parents are sick. So, Eric and I haven't been feeling the best. The "not too bad, but not too good" feeling.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A year ago.....

A year ago today was a pivotal day in Ernst family, it was the day we went to the hospital to prepare to deliver Kaylee. I remember getting out of the car, Eric had his hands full of our luggage and I was gripping on to my pillow. We still manage to hold hands very tight as we walked to the ER door. The night had this unusual calmness to it, just like the calm before the storm. And sure enough Kaylee has been the perfect storm. I can't believe Kaylee will be 1 tomorrow, nor can I believe Eric and I have been parents for a year. Parenthood has been much more than we could ever imagine plus some. Not only is it amazing to watch your child grow, but it has been amazing experience that has made Eric and I grow as a couple and individuals. Kaylee is a spitting image of use, the good and the bad, so she has made us better people because of that. While being new parents, this year has been a loaded with life changes, Eric graduating with his MBA, China Trip, Family Trip to the Midwest, My new job, and not to mention now a new President. It really is a year we won't forget. I can't wait to see what the future has for us, but can honestly say November 6, 2007 will always have a place in my heart as the day of the beginning of it all. (Plus it was the 6th...I could never forget that!)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tough Loss

We had a Texas vs. Texas Tech Party last night...and what a game?!? It was a very tough loss for UT, but we had a great time with everyone. Eric made spicy and not-so-spicy chili and I made Longhorn and Texas shaped cookies. And of course...there was beer. Kaylee had fun seeing and sort of playing with the other kiddos. Eric hooked a 2nd TV on our outside patio for people to watch in the super nice weather. It was great. So, congratulations to Melissa, Kelly, and all the other Tortilla Throwing Raiders. This game is always my favorite game of the season...until next time.


Kaylee was Tinker Bell for her First Halloween! Although she didn't like me putting on a frilly green costume at first, it grew on her and she was absolutely ADORABLE. Her school threw a Fall Festival, which was fun to see all the kids dressed up. It was wonderful. Kaylee had her fortune read, won at the Cake Walk, and found a toy ghost in the haystack. She soon grew exhausted and past out on our 3 minute car ride home. We didn't make it out Trick-or-Treating, but it overall was a very special first Halloween.