Friday, November 28, 2008

Go Around the Room and Tell What You Are Thankful For

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. This year we celebrated with the May side (My Dad's side) at my Aunt & Uncle's house outside of Bastrop. Surprisingly, we didn't take any pictures. Anyhow, every year my Dad makes go around the room and tell what we are thankful for....some are real and some are funny. So I decide to share mine...

The real ones.....

1. My Man - Eric is the poster child for Husband & Father of the Year. I can go on and on about him. But just know he does about everything for me and Kaylee and never asks for anything in return. I am very thankful.
2. Miss Kaylee - No matter how frustrated, stressed out, or just down, Miss Kaylee can bring a smile to my face. She makes me rush home everyday and makes me excited to wake up in the morning. I'm very fortunate to have a little smiling face everyday.
3. My Family - We have a quite a big family when you consider Eric & I are both from a families of 4 kids. I've always liked big families because of the dynamic of everyone's unique personality that they bring to the table. I'm very fortunate for my relationships with each one and so very lucky that I can always call on anyone in a pickle. I need to make a shout out to my mom, who every Thanksgiving/Holidays puts up with our shenanigans. We all make outlandish food requests and she manages to do it all for us. She is a pro super mom.
4. Health - I've been pretty health conscience over the years, but after being pregnant I've really focused on a healthy lifestyle. You may look good, but that doesn't mean a healthy heart. With that, I'm so very fortunate that all my loved ones are healthy. And little Kaylee's kidney is just doing fine. So, very thankful.
5. Jobs The economy is the worst it has been in my life. I don't know what is going to happen in the near future, but at this moment I'm very thankful that Eric and I have jobs. And I'm so proud of Eric for finishing his MBA when he did. :)

The not-so-real ones....

1. Pre-peeled Garlic - My must-have in the fridge for 2008. We use sooo much garlic in our cooking that I was getting annoyed with peeling garlic and I'm not a fan of anything in can, which left HEB's pre-peeled garlic. It is fast and flavorful....everything I love.
2. Upper Crust Bakery - This has been with me through the, bridal showers, baby showers, birthday parties. It is my happy place. If you haven't been there, go there.
3. iCal - I couldn't live without my iCal. I've synced my whole life to it. I used to go with the flow, but over the years I've been forced to plan more and more. It makes me happy that it is all there in one place.
4. Cheesy Girlie Movie - I just watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. It was cheesy, it was girlie, I love it. There is nothing better than a total chick flick. Can't wait to take Kaylee when she is older, so I can used that has an excuse to go see High School Musical 8.
5. My friends that make me spend money - Yes, I'm thankful that whenever I with Becky or Lucy they make me spend money. You ask, why is that good? I feel it is good to go splurge every once in awhile, life is too short, buy yourself something nice. I don't do it by myself anymore, but I can't say no when I with them. Retail Therapy is great and has been very effective over the years. I recommend it.