Thursday, November 6, 2008

A year ago.....

A year ago today was a pivotal day in Ernst family, it was the day we went to the hospital to prepare to deliver Kaylee. I remember getting out of the car, Eric had his hands full of our luggage and I was gripping on to my pillow. We still manage to hold hands very tight as we walked to the ER door. The night had this unusual calmness to it, just like the calm before the storm. And sure enough Kaylee has been the perfect storm. I can't believe Kaylee will be 1 tomorrow, nor can I believe Eric and I have been parents for a year. Parenthood has been much more than we could ever imagine plus some. Not only is it amazing to watch your child grow, but it has been amazing experience that has made Eric and I grow as a couple and individuals. Kaylee is a spitting image of use, the good and the bad, so she has made us better people because of that. While being new parents, this year has been a loaded with life changes, Eric graduating with his MBA, China Trip, Family Trip to the Midwest, My new job, and not to mention now a new President. It really is a year we won't forget. I can't wait to see what the future has for us, but can honestly say November 6, 2007 will always have a place in my heart as the day of the beginning of it all. (Plus it was the 6th...I could never forget that!)


Kelly said...

i can't believe it's been a year! i'm so glad to have kaylee in this world - what a neat kiddo!

SUSIE said...

That is the day my baby was going to have her baby!

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to see one's grandchild enjoy life, marriage and parenthood to the fullest. The joy of parenthood is something you could never describe fully to another. You have to experience it for yourself. I love watching Kristen, Erik and Kaylee enjoying these wonderful times. God Bless.