Sunday, November 23, 2008

It is beginning to look alot like Christmas...

After a having a blast at Blake's 1st Birthday Party, we headed down to Macy's Christmas Tree Lighting. We couldn't believe how crowded it was, but American Idol Winner Jordin Sparks and Dan Dyer were lots of teeny boppers! Luckily since my parents have an apartment at The Domain, we were able to park in the "Residents Only" Parking. Thank goodness. We stopped by Joe DiMaggio's for some drinks and apps and then watched the lighting of the tree and pretty exciting fireworks show. I wasn't expecting much of a show from a mall! Surprisingly, the fireworks didn't scared Miss K at all. She pointed to them and was saying "pow...pow...pow". It was very great. We couldn't get a cute picture in front of the tree....Kaylee was very exhausted after such a big day, but she was a total trooper! But still after going to bed late, she always seems to manage to wake up at 7am on the dot!