Thursday, April 28, 2011

10-Year High School Reunion

Yes, my 10 Year High School Reunion is coming up this year! And yes, I'm in charge of it!

It has been on my "Mommy Project" list while out on Maternity Leave, but I haven't had time to even start my "Mommy Project" List! What was I thinking?!? Two Days left of Maternity Leave!

I got the Venue, Food, DJ, and a website ( But the next big thing is trying to track down everyone, so I went through the yearbook yesterday to get a Master Alumni, the school doesn't provide one. Facebook is helpful, but we only captured 40% of the class. So this will be a project for the next couple of months.

Anyhow, I scanned old yearbook you can make fun of me.

Best All-Around...Mr. & Miss RHS
Probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
I like attention, but not the "walk down the aisle with a crown and scepter attention".
Rather be behind the scenes. The best part of being Miss RHS, was my friends would go to random people, restaurants, anywhere saying, "Do you know who she is? Miss RHS." No, we never got anything free or royal treatment out of it.

Best Attitude
Oh, dear. I look awful.
I have a bad attitude about this picture.

Senior Class Officers
Vice President slogans were "Vote for Kristen or She'll Lose" and "Vote for Kristen May and Have a Nice Day".
I was surprised that all the clothing is pretty much in style now.

Student Council
I'm actually surprise how many life experiences I got out of StuCo.
We went to a series of International Affairs Luncheons, where we would have 3 Course sit down meal and listen to speakers. We were the only kids.
I went to Monterey, Mexico to stay with a family where we went to school and did charity work. Then, one of the Monterey students stayed with us.
Also, went to several leaderships camps and events.

PAL's (Peer Assistance Leadership)
I have a very special place in my heart for PALs. This was an organization that mentored elementary kids and acted as Mediators at school. You are assigned to about 4 kids a year and I learned just as much as they did. Huge progress in one year. Also, learned how to mediate, which I wanted to do study more at UT...but didn't want to go to Law School.