Friday, April 1, 2011

Maddie May at 8 Weeks

Maddie May is 8 Weeks Old today! Time flys

She is quite the lanky baby, she is 24 inches long (97%) and 11 pounds 12 oz (81%)! Long and skinny!

At her check-up everyone kept saying how laid-back and content she was, and the day before at yoga she smiled and giggled the whole time. Someone asked me if I gave her happy pills. It made me feel bad that I said she was ever a cryer, she really isn't...she is a baby. I think we just aren't used to having babies around, and there are a lot more disruptions in the household than when K was a baby. IE. KAYLEE!

Maddie is definitely expressive. I've never seen a baby smile and coo for such a long period of time. But then she has her witching hour too, which is around 5-7PM when Eric gets home, cooking dinner, etc, etc. But of course, normal with the little ones, they just want to go to bed for the day. K was much more even keel, but as a 2nd child myself, I think Maddie fits right in as the expressive one! ;)

She has been sleeping a good solid 6-8 hours, again I shouldn't be complaining. She's a great eater, sleeper, and happy lil baby. She is sooo loved. K is smitten with her...just today she randomly went up to a couple with twin babies and said, "That's my sister Madison, she's a baby too!" Because we are always on the move, I do catch myself staring at her forever when it calm and quiet. Taking it all in. Enjoying this time watching my 2 month old and this unconditional sister love grow. I love babies and sure do love my girls.