Monday, April 25, 2011

Field-trip to the Witte Museum

We weren't planning to go to the Witte Museum during our quick trip to San Antonio, but since K is sooo into Dinosaurs we decided to embrace this time. K's face was priceless when we saw the Triceratops, which is Daddy's favorite by the way. Every exhibit K would say "That's my favorite!" My favorite dinosaur bone, dinosaur footprint, dinosaur picture...etc, etc. I was excited to show her some beautiful Fiesta dresses, but she wasn't too interested. But she was really into the "Mommies" aka "Mummies". She kept asking lots of questions, only so much I could say about a wrapped up dead person to a three year old.

The Witte also has a kid's Treehouse with interactive stations for the kiddos, K had fun....but I think Uncle Tyler, Aunt Caitlin, and Daddy had more fun. Overall, great trip with the exception of meltdown of all meltdowns occur on the way out at the gift shop. She wanted a pink helmet, we weren't going to pay for it. It was nasty.

K couldn't take her eyes off it!

Her favorite Bone

Engineer trying to explain to 3-Yr-Old

Floating Ball

Seriously Eric?!?

Building a Log Cabin

Kaylee with Mommy, Uncle T, Aunt Caitlin

Family Pic at the Treehouse

The NOW famous pink hat..