Monday, April 25, 2011

What to do if you leave an imaginary friend at the store....

Every Saturday morning we have K's Gymnastics. Originally, I thought it would be a great opportunity to give K extra attention. But she wants the girls (Mommy & MM) to watch her....every Saturday morning. SO, E gets to stay home, relax, go mountain biking...while I get to tag team the girls. Not complaining, just saying it takes some work.

Two Saturdays ago, we had our girl's gymnastics outing and I decided to stop by the Grocery Store to pick up literally 5 things. It was pushing it, since MM needed to feed right about then, but I was going to make it work. It was a disaster to say to the least....can't find anything, K running around, got in the wrong line, took 10 minutes to check-out, HEB Buddy Machine wouldn't work, etc, etc. Finally, get to the car and buckle in the realize I left my phone in the grocery cart. urgh. Unbuckled the girls, went back to the cart...nothing, went to customer service....nothing, finally a lady comes running to by rescue with my phone.

Get back to the car and started to head home with a half-crying hungry baby, when K shouted "Oh No!!!". I started to slow down and asked what's wrong. K informed me that we left Daisy at HEB. Yes, Daisy...her imaginary friend. She insisted on turning around to pick her up. Ok, what to do? I am not going back to the store to pick up an imaginary friend, but K was devastated. SO, like any other mother, I called Daisy's mom to tell her that Daisy is at HEB and she needs to go pick her up. K butts in and said that Daisy's mom needs to drop her off for at our house for a playdate and we will have cheese and grapes. So, I added that in as well.

All happened before 10:30AM........