Sunday, September 7, 2008

Finally a Relaxing Austin.

After my cookie run, we headed out past Elgin to see my Aunt & Uncle's new house they built. They have lived in Mobile, Alabama until the past 3 years, give or take some. They were my only family members that lived outside Texas, so it is great having them back! Their beautiful house sits on some gorgeous land....very quiet, very relaxing. We took Kaylee swimming and she did very well remembering how to kick and kind of blow bubbles. She got to play with my cousin's adorable 20 month old Piper. Piper kept saying "Baby Play, Baby Play". It was very cute. We loaded up on fajitas and a couple of margaritas and visited with the rest of the fam. Kaylee was exhausted and went right asleep on the car ride home. We thought she was done for the day, but boy did she get her second wind when we got home. She was laughing and playing like crazy and we just ate it all up! We finally had to call it quits, because we knew she was tired and sure enough not a peep after left the room. Getting a good night rest, we woke up early to go running on Town Lake. This is one of my favorite things to do in Austin and I used to walk around when Kaylee was a baby, who know what I mean when she was a baby baby (newborn!). We get there right at 8am and it seems like the whole city of Austin had the same idea! But once we got going the people seemed to thin out. Kaylee was having a grand old time waving to the people going the opposite direction and then randomly clapping. I would run next to her and she would put her hand out for me to give a high five. I loved it! We ran 3.2 miles just under 30 minutes and I felt great. Muddy Buddy Training has started. We came home and I made Apple Cinnamon Bran muffins that we quickly learned Kaylee loves!!! We couldn't stop her. We will give a little piece of whatever we were eating and when I gave her a little of the muffin she attacked me and took my muffin! I had to get another muffin, but it was funny and of course adorable! We ran some family errands (Sears, Toys R Us, Target) and now are enjoying our Sunday afternoon. Soon we put some Chicken and Pineapple on the grill for one of the May's classic Chicken Hawaiian Salad. Yum... We have been having a blast going out of town, but boy is it nice to have a relaxing family weekend at home.


Queen Bee said...

Tell me more about this Hawaiian Chicken Salad...

Kelly said...

way to go running 3.2 miles!! wow! i will never do that in my lifetime.