Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friday Night Lights

This weekend we went to San Antonio to watch my lil brother's (Tyler) football game. I was a bit nervous, because the game started at 7:30pm and that is usually Kaylee's bedtime. Not only that, but when we were at the Cubs game she didn't like the abrupt cheering. But Kaylee slept the whole drive down to SA and was pumped up for the game! And.... she loved it! The school band kept her going, she was waving her pom pom, and she loved looking at the people. She was clapping the whole time and danced along with the halftime show. We stayed with 5 minutes left in the game...about 10pm. When we got to the car, she clapped when she saw her car seat and immediately went to asleep. My little brother's team Churchill lost to Reagan, but it was to my Alma Mater. (I had gone to both schools, so I was in a win/win situation.) After the loss, all the parents said Kaylee was the highlight of the game! We all had a great time, especially since Eric hadn't been to a High School football game, well, since he was in High School. Oh..I almost forgot...we got to see Kaylee's ad in the program! And she was wearing her Churchill outfit that Uncle Tyler gave me when I found out I was having a girl!


Queen Bee said...

Go CHURCHILL CHARGERS!!!! Ahh...memories. ;)