Thursday, September 4, 2008

Parents Gone Wild Weekend in Chicago

It has been a while since I last blogged (not sure if anyone reads it in the first place), but I have been recovering from our Parents Gone Wild Weekend in Chicago. Our first time away from little Miss Kaylee, who stayed with my parents in San Antonio. They said she did great and she got to visit with the extended family, which was good for her. I believe my parents had fun too, since my Dad called Tuesday saying she missed her. It is hard not too, since she is so sweet! As for our Parent Getaway, we had a blast! Eric's brother and wife, Greg and Emily, were excellent tour guides. We spent Friday night in Lincoln Park at the neighborhood bars and then some much needed late night Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza. Saturday...we slept in! That is what we were looking forward to the most, since that doesn't happen anymore! Then, we had BIG lunch at a Pub Cafe with Eric's Dad & Julia. Afterwards we went to the Shed Aquarium, which is always fun to see. They had Eric's friend the Komodo Dragon. We spent Saturday night at this insane UT bar in Lincoln Park to watch the game. I could NOT believe how many UT people were there! It was great! Then, we had so much needed late night Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza...again. Sunday was our big Wrigley Rooftop party. It was unlimited food and drinks so....we had fun to say the least. Eric and I then had a nice Italian dinner by ourselves, which was great. Although the Italian food there is sooo good and sooo rich, we both took a couple bites and we were done. We tried to keep the leftovers, but were able to sneak it a bite or two before we left. Afterwards, we met with my BFF Lucy and Shannon who were also in town and well...we lived it up. It was a fun weekend and we just love Chicago...especially when the weather was as perfect as it was over the weekend. We did well with being away from Kaylee, although I felt the pilot could have gone a bit faster on the way home! We definitely had a great time!