Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wine Thief

Last Wednesday, Eric and I decided to have a "date" once Kaylee went to bed. This "date" wasn't a night out or anything extravagant, rather it was just us eating a normal grilled chicken dinner but outside on our patio. The weather has been amazing...Texas Falls our my favorite! And...when we call our time together a "date" we don't allow any interruptions and it makes things well, more fun. But we did have one minor interruption before our "date"...a wine thief. Eric was choosing a bottle of wine from our BOTTOM shelf (aka the good stuff) when out of no where a wine thief came along. See the pictures for yourself. And please note, this may looked staged, but I assure you it wasn't. I had been playing with the thief and her hood, before she darted off to the kitchen.