Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Love Hate Relationship

I'm on the see-saw of love and hate for Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga is a 90 minute class with 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises, but get this....in a room that is heated to 105F and 40% humidity!!! My sister-in-law (Melissa) and I signed up for a month package last week, since she broke her foot and is limited to little exercise. You have to be HYDRATED before you go...or else you will be miserable and you really don't drink much during it. Bikram Yoga is totally different then my regular Hatha Yoga. I can't say I enjoy myself sweating profusely for 90 minutes with limited water and I'm usually hating it my the end of class. HOWEVER, when I wake up the next morning I feel great! Like you just got a massage or something! So you can see how this is a love hate relationship. But I can't decide if I really enjoy it or if it is worth it. With my regular yoga, I look forward to my practice and feel stretched, strong, and empowered after class. And I really can't say the same with Bikram. But I will say it is nice to sweat out ALL (plus some) of your toxins every once in awhile. And another note, I do find it somewhat entertaining to look over to Melissa with a huge boot cast on while she is trying to do a pose dripping sweat! It reminds me that she has it harder than me, so I can't complain. I still have a couple of weeks to make my judgement.


Anonymous said...

HA!!! It is totally a love hate relationship! I have already drank almost 60oz of water just to prepare for tonight.