Sunday, August 10, 2008

And the Oscar goes to.....

KAYLEE! Our little girl has been the little actress. She has been into making fake coughing noises, ALL the time. She has always thought is has been funny when someones coughs or sneezes, so now she does it on purpose and cracks up at herself. It is pretty funny, so now I find myself clearing my throat and fake coughing all day long. Oh, I almost forgot...burping too. She burps on purpose and laughs at herself. Wonder where she gets that sense of humor, Eric??? On another note, Kaylee has been achieving several bumps, scraps, and bruises now that she is on the move. I got a phone call on Friday from school to tell me she had bumped her head (they are require to call anytime there has been an incident to the head). The school was amazed because she only cried for less than 60 seconds, but then a bright red mark was left in the middle of her head. It didn't affect her at all, but sure left a mark. Then, yesterday she was climbing all over the place and lost her balance and fell. But the funny things was she slid clear across the room on our wood floor and in true actress fashion she proceeded to roll a couple more times on purpose. A bit dramatic and she is only 9 months old. Can't wait for middle school!