Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Miso Cute at 9 Months Old

Oh, my. Kaylee is 9 Months old today and man is she fun. She is pulling up/down, sitting up/down, wanting to walk, clapping, waving, pointing, saying da-da and ma-ma, rambling with baby gibberish and of course she is a little giggle box. She is working on her top teeth right now, which has disturbed our sleep here and there...but not bad. She still pops blueberries in her mouth like popcorn...she will eat a whole pint if we don't stop here. She also likes cheerios, broccoli, and edamane. All you hear as a soon-to-be parent is how fast kids grow and well, that is an understatement. I don't know where the time went. I didn't realize how emotional I was going to get today. So many new Moms swear by the "9 Months In and 9 Months Out" philosophy and I couldn't agree more. I haven't felt this strong and healthy in a long time. So, today has been quite the monumental day for us. The toddlers at school love singing "Happy Birthday", really they sing it to the geckos outside, so they can't wait to celebrate with K. Check out more pictures/videos on her website link Baby Kaylee off to the side on this page. Proud Mama, Kristen.


Queen Bee said...

HAAA!! Love it! Ya'll are hilarious!