Friday, August 8, 2008


For some reason, I was very emotional yesterday when Kaylee turned 9 Months Old. It was kind of the first time she wasn't attached to me, as in pregnant, breastfeeding, or the newborn extreme dependency. Now she still needs me and Eric, but she can go from point A to B just fine by herself. It was mixed emotion of her growing up into a little person and me feeling more independent. Yes, I know this will be the first of many emotional days about my kids growing up, but the weirdest non-traditional days affect me the most. Anyways, the school went out of their to take several pictures of Kaylee, printed them, and glued them in a little book out of construction paper with nice notes in it for me and Eric. When we went to pick her up and they gave to us, well I about lost it. It was so sweet and exactly what I needed. Our school is awesome.