Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Mommy Diet - Next Big Fab Diet

The Mommy Diet is (drumroll please...) eating your kiddo's leftovers, because you don't have time to eat! Today I'm working from home and my breakfast consisted of plain cheerios & mushed banana. I did get to have some coffee. Then, for lunch I had plain wagon wheel pasta (no EVOO/Sauce - PLAIN), black beans, and yellow squash. I literally was cleaning up Kaylee's mess by eating her leftovers. I had to was one of those "You know if you are a mom if.." moments. Forget all the celebrity moms who look great after one week...this is the real mom diet! :) Luckily, Eric and I are going to PF Changs tonight to celebrate Melissa's Birthday while my Dad babysits....I'm excited to sit down and eat a real meal!


Kelly said...

she looks so different in this picture!!